Friday, February 27, 2009

snap back to reality

And so it goes, the day came as quickly as it went, and it was over in a short span of 2 hours. The andrenaline was overwhelming as you realise that whatever you had set out to achieve was finally done, and I personally felt it was the personal best I had set out for.

The journey had been a blast, and I'm glad the past 4 months had helped me to improve as I worked on my passion. It gave me some form of direction and kept me focused, and it didn't feel like a chore at any point of time even when it was those 2 songs day in day out.

As I snap out of the excitement of Emerge, tumbling back to the dull, hard reality of all books and no song, I wonder when the next opportunity will come along and transform me yet again into that temporary superhero alter ego I had on for 2 hours on Monday.

The superhero with meticulously styled hair, made mighty shiny with sparkling blue dust. The superhero with a nicely layered get-up and a dash of bling hanging around his neck, emblazoning the front of his chest. That was his on stage persona, vastly different from his usual self of oversized polo t-shirts and ancient sandals. And yet, when the inspiration hits, he will be there to save the world.

Meanwhile, while I get to savour the sweet aftermath of the concert, I also get to feel another sort of andrenaline rush that is all too familiar. The slight wave of panic as you hit the books and realise you are short of time because you've been dwelling too much in idolmania the past few weeks.

Excitement, some might call it.

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