Sunday, October 21, 2007

so i got my manual license

And so I got my Class 3 manual license on the 10th October, after being confined to an auto license for almost a year.

It was probably one of the worst decisions I have made in my life so far, to get a 3A license instead of a Class 3. It resulted in months of regret and uncertainty on whether to retake a manual license.

I realised that only being able to drive cars with 2 pedals was restrictive and I did not consider it a skill at all. Well, I don't even understand why I did not consider that in the first place. Probably I thought auto was easier and more straightforward. In the end, I went for private manual driving lessons in another attempt to get that coverted driving license as I didn't want to regret any longer.

Unlike my auto license which was sponsored by my parents, this one came entirely from my bank account. So I could actually feel the pinch whenever I had to withdraw money to pay for each lesson.

Anyway, manual driving was really fun once you got the hang of clutch control and changing gears. I kinda enjoyed my driving lessons really. But when the test date neared, it got more stressful rather than fun.

I had wanted to pass badly, although I could already drive around and actually take manual driving as a 'stress free' activity. I did not want to wait a few more months as I knew how agonising the wait could be. I also wasn't ready to fork out an average of 50 bucks per lesson for several more sessions. Not wanting to go through the trauma of yet another driving test was another reason.

I also had been driving on the road almost everyday for about a year, and if I still failed despite all that road experience, then perhaps I could be considered a rather lousy gear shifter. Heh.

Well. At least I set out to rectify the error in judgement I had made a year ago. And I am pretty happy I decided to start out learning driving again before I started regretting in future when I might be too busy to retake.

At least one thing has been settled before ord. One less thing to brood over.

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