Wednesday, October 31, 2007

3 more work days

Just called up several schools to register for relief teaching. I just hope that I'll be able to keep this relief teaching job at least for half a year, just before I enter NUS.

Well..I guess it's 3 working days left in the army for me. Had a long break from Friday until now, going back to camp tomorrow and on Friday. Then following Monday would be i/c collection and it'll be back to civilian life.

It sounds pretty damn good to leave army. Although my army life is much less demanding than most units you can think of, it still feels good to be freed of the regiments and schedules you must die-die follow. However, other than being under the system, everything else about my vocation was great. And I think I'll miss the days and the camp itself, the afternoon breaks at the canteen and all the talk cok sessions in the evenings. Heh.

I would say it's 3 days more before I leave the comfort zone and out into the real world, away from the shelter in the camp. Suddenly so many possibilites open up, so much time awaiting to be spent, so many things I can do and so many places I can go.

It's a rather overwhelming thought.

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