Sunday, June 1, 2008

ok some updates and changes

So here I am around 2am on a Sunday morning, web logging. Somehow, I had decided to make some minor changes to my blog and figured it was also a rather appropriate time to convey my thoughts.

I always figure that it is always during the wee hours of the morning, when everything is tranquil that is the best time to jot down what I feel with no interruption. With the low humming of the air-conditioner in the background, the only other sounds that seem to accompany my reflections are the almost rythmic tappings of my fingers against the slightly dusty keyboard tiles. To me, the nights are always a pretty time to blog, which kind of explains this blog address.

I have changed the colour scheme and background of the blog, removed the music and added a tag board. This tag board thingey I've contemplated for a while, ever since I've started sharing the url with my students. I figured they probably found leaving a comment not 'casual' or convenient enough, hence only the occasional comment popping up.

I don't really have a counter for this blog because it started out as a discrete, personal diary that served mainly as an avenue to structure and rationalise my thoughts. So I really wonder sometimes how many hits I get per day or per week, making me deliberate over the possibility of the shoutbox. Well, we'll see how it goes this week.

Anyway, the trip to HK has been confirmed and I'll leave in about 10 days time. Budget is probably the only thing that limits me but I'm not intending to do crazy shopping or anything so I'll probably be comfortable enough with the expenditure. It'll simply be pleasant to be able to finally see her again after this while.

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