Saturday, August 4, 2007

accident along PIE

There was a huge traffic jam along the PIE towards Changi Airport as I returned from Toa Payoh. Seemed like a major accident had occured along one of the lanes. I remembered as I entered the Sims Ave exit, there was this ambulance parked in the chevron markings with a taxi behind it, and there was a man lying near the rear of the taxi.

Wasn't sure if he was dead but he was unconscious. Further down, I noticed that at the far end of the expressway there seemed to be yet another commotion - flashing blue lights and people walking around the area. Not too sure if they were the same accident as they were pretty far apart.

According to my friend I met earlier, a motorcyclist crashed into a taxi on Lane 1, so my guess would be that it was probably the same accident but the taxi was perhaps , the moved to the only available open space on the busy roads.

Anyhow, it caused a huge jam all the way from Toa Payoh and the traffic was literally left crawling. Took quite a while to get home.

It's interesting to realise how an individual's moment of rashness or folly can have such a significant impact on so many other people. Probably one misjudgement by either party has resulted in hundreds of vehicles being delayed on the roads. Arriving at their destinations late again, would have brought about different conclusions to the day as compared to reaching early or punctual.

Each person involved in the jam would also have had different thoughts surfacing regarding the accident and probably also left the scene feeling different - frustrated or sympathetic, maybe they became more sleepy while traffic came to a standstill.

For me, I felt a moment of trauma, no doubt it was just a little, when I saw the man unconscious on the ground. It was a potent dose of reality.

I arrived home 10 minutes later than usual.

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