Saturday, August 18, 2007

am proud of my dad

Today, my dad went for singing auditions for the karaoke competition organized by Marine Parade GRC.

He did decently. Not fantastic like some others. But I'm proud of him.

My dad takes singing rather seriously. You could say it's his passion. He spends most of his free time singing and seems to enjoy every minute of it. It's always great when you have something you truly indulge in, something you would love to continue for hours and still have that spark in your eye. I certainly saw that in my dad.

For this audition, he bought a new pair of shoes and made a pair of 'degree-less' spectacles to cover his eyebags. It's always a rare occasion when my dad actually buys something for himself. He spends on us but scrimps when it comes to himself, especially when it comes to clothes and shoes. I was a tad surprised when he actually parted with 180 bucks for the specs just like that, with much less consideration than I expected..but I guess he wanted to look good on stage, afterall, it's his first official competition.

Guess it all paid off. No matter what, he still looked really smart in new glasses and his $20 shoes. His long sleeved cardigan was nothing new, in fact it's probably almost as old as I..but he still looked good.

Watching him singing on stage was really a proud moment for me. I love singing too and I can relate to what it's like to be singing in front of a huge crowd for the first time. It may not seem like a big thing to the audience but to the performer, it is. The preparation, the anxiety, the moment when you feel like you're lost in time..and before you know it, it's over and you secretly crave for applause.

It certainly would be a defining moment for my dad.

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